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How to Clean Stove Top Burner? | Kitchen Hacks

Cooking means, messy kitchens, blocked sinks, and dirty stovetop top burners. So, today we are going to learn how to Clean a Stove Top Burner? Buckle up, Roll up your sleeves, to clean the sh*t.


How often to Clean Stove Top Burner?

Ideally, you should be wiping down your stovetop after every use, but it’s boring, right? You need to just use a cloth and a cleaner (all-purpose) and start wiping your dirty stove. If that seems hassle for you, you can go for the entire cleaning of the stove each month including the stovetop.

It’s not a fun job and no one wants to do this job. We can feel that but you can make this activity fun by just turning on your favorite music. Yeah…

Do you know that a dirty stovetop can have some serious health risks? Yes, it’s true. According to a study the toxins released into the air from the dirty stovetop can harm your body especially the lungs. 

Your health is in your hand and having a clean stovetop might not seem a big problem, it’s the start that is hard right? Some stoves have a glass top and we use them as a chopping board as well. The need for such a stove is even greater.

How to Clean Stove Top Burner or Gas Stove?

After a month we know that your gas stove is looking uglier like your ex. Flame is coming over and it’s making every you on black. You seriously need to clean it but how? Do not worry we are going to help you with that.

Grates and burner caps

You might know that you can easily lift the burner caps, the round ones, and clean them. It’s an easy job yeah. The benefit of cleaning the stove daily is that you do not need any chemicals to clean the grease. You just need a damp cloth and the job s done or pick up the grates and wipe them up with water or put them into the sink, dishwasher, but for that, you need to read the manual of the stove first.

FYI. Things to remember are to turn off the stove or gas connection before starting the cleaning process to avoid any kind of combustion incident.

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What if the dirt is stubborn?

You don’t remember when did last time you clean your stove? That means you can not clean with just a piece of cloth. But don’t worry still you can clean it. First of all, take the grates and soak them in soapy water. If the soap is grease-cutting, it will do a great job by breaking down that grease and grime. At last, wipe it off with a sponge. If still dirt does no go, use a scrubbing pad to remove the rest of the grease and grime.

Burner heads

It’s important to keep burner heads clean. If they get blocked by grease, dirt, and grime, that means your stove is less efficient and that’s why it is taking time to boil your tea. Now you might know why you are paying out more on your gas bills. Do you know how simple it is to keep them clean? For that, you should know how to do it. The sizes and specifications may vary between stove manufacturers and you can apply the same method of cleaning to every burner. Because burners head means, they are the most intricate part of the stove, so it’s important to get it right.

The stovetop

If grates, burner caps, and burner heads are clean that means half of the job is done. Now it’s the easy part. You can use a simple cloth or sponge to clean the top. If you see any grime, use an all-purpose cleaner to kill the germs and wipe off the grime. We recommend cleaning the stovetop every day after every use. Or if that’s not possible what you can do is clean the dirt and grease as soon as they appear on the top. If soap is not doing its job, use an oven cleaner spray and let it do its job for a while. Come back after 10-15 minutes and just wipe off with a cloth.

How to clean an electric stove

Today many people use electric stoves, especially people who fear leaving the gas on when going out. They also require cleaning as their other greasy cousins. So what’s the way?

Those with drip pans and metal coil burners

Most of the electric stovetops don’t come with flat surfaces, rather with a raised metal coil so that the heat can be anticipated equally through your food in the dish or saucepan. These coils are not a problem, you can easily remove these coils by detaching them from the receptacle. Wait a minute, please unplug the switch off the oven for your safety.

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Cleaning the dust from the electric stovetop is easy, use a brush to clean out the dust and on the other head, you will be needing a spray cleaner, cloth, or soapy water to clean the inner of the stove.

Remember, water is a good conductor so after cleaning makes sure the electric connection is not wet.

During the whole clean-up, While you’re at it, inspect the drip pans underneath the coil burners. These should lift out very easily, and given they’re not much more than a metal dish, you can go to town on them!

The metallic rings surrounded by the stovetop are very necessary to be clean, lift the rings and clean the inner and surrounded area carefully. Cleanliness is yours if you replace the drip pans, metal rings, and burner coil it will be good for you.

Cleaning below

This one will be interesting for all of you, see it is the case that some of the electric stovetops look like the hood of a car.

Push the stovetop up with your hands, or use the built-in handle if there is one, not every electric stovetop pops up, so if you’re tugging hard and getting nowhere (no smirks at the rear), it’s generally safe to assume your model doesn’t.

After pulling out the top, you then notice a bunch of stains and dust over there, before proceeding makes sure all electric connections are plugged off, you are now ready to go. Now you have spray cleaner by your side, spray it and wait for a little bit, then use a dry cloth to wipe it all. The stains may be way too hard give it another shot of sprays and the shiny surface is all yours.

Cleaning an electric stovetop

For your information there no such a big difference between the surface of the electric stovetops and gas ones. The same method will be implied for both. Just make sure to clean the stovetop after every use with soapy water ad a dry cloth and the surface will be clean for the next use.

Have you ever wondered if the previous owner of an electric stove knew what soap was? No problem: handle them the same way you would gas stovetops and clean them with a cleaning spray. Allow it to bathe in its pool like a capybara, then wipe away the dirt. You’ll simply have to be a bit extra careful not to get spray (or water) into any electrical connections because fluid and electricity aren’t getting along right now. Or ever, for that matter.

How to clean a glass stovetop

The good news, if you have a glass top stove you are lucky because it is the simple one to clean off.

However, because most people use the electric stovetop as an extra prep surface, keeping it clean is more critical than ever. Fortunately, the design is on your side: there are no cumbersome fixtures to deal with, and cleaning is as simple as wiping down with a damp cloth after each use. It’s as simple as it gets.

Have you heard about microfiber cloths, go and search for them, they are best for cleaning the stovetop. 2 fiber cloths are enough, one for cleaning with liquid and another one dry to wipe all dust. Use them you will see how effective they are…

Don’t waste your money on buying expensive cleaning products, your dish soap can easily a good to go.

The best cleaning products to use

The below-mentioned spray is on the best cleaning spray list, check it now:

This spray is highly recommended by many housing centers as it best fits with cleaning gas stovetops.

This product cuts through the filth on enamel stovetops, whether they’re gas or electric. It also has a pleasant citrus smell that gives it a clean, fresh vibe.

For a steel stove, use this to spray on your stove and make it shiny.

If you want to clean the under of an electric stovetop then it is perfect for it.

Glass stovetop is love because they are a way to easy to clean use this as a cleaner and then the magic happens.

  • Baking soda. Surprise!

This one product will be at our home daily. Use it to clean your stovetop and be relaxed.

Points to remember!

Cleaning yourself and your surroundings is very crucial. likewise, cleaning your stovetop daily is what we all should do. Why do that, the answer is simply it will prevent any health-related issues to encounter.

We have multiple cleaning products, as long as you have the necessary know-how, there are plenty of specialist cleaning products and techniques that may help you remove undesired filth from your surfaces and even deep into the crevices. You won’t have to scrub much if you spray and let it soak. Now you are all ready to use it for another cook.

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