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5 Best Drinks You Can Make at Home in Summer

Here are the 5 Drinks You Can Make at Home in Summers

In summers what you need is a tropical drink with a plate of chopped fruits that can possibly put you in a relaxed mood faster than anything else. Especially during this pandemic where every restaurant is closed, we have limited options left to satisfy our Hot summer cravings. So here today in this Blog we would teach you how to make five refreshing summer drinks at home to enjoy during quarantining. With a little effort and a maximum of four to five ingredients, you can make these drinks. I hope your family will love these super-cool drinks, choose your favorite out of these and make an entire ewer.  

Best drinks you can make at Home in Summer
Summer Drinks


Watermelon is watery and slushes from this fruit would be a treat for everyone. All you need to do is to remove the seeds of melons and skin first. Now cut the fruit into small pieces (2-3 Cups) of your choice. It’s time to blend but before that, in the blender, add lime zest (3 lemons), lemon juice (half Cup), simple syrup (Pineapple), sugar of your taste, ginger, mint, or basil. Blend all the mixed ingredients well and pour it a glass. Enjoy with family and friends.

Water melon slush
Melon Slush


Smoothies are drinks we should be taking as many as possible in summers. Summers are best for drinks and you need to keep your body fresh and hydrated and summer is officially the best of all seasons to make smoothies because you can easily find seasonal fruits like strawberries, cherries, apricots, mangoes, guavas, and pineapple. To make this drink you need to have 15-20 strawberries, and the secret is Greek yogurt. Three ripe bananas(frozen), pineapple pieces (frozen), Greek Yogurt (1.5 cups), coconut milk (1.5 Cups). Now in a blender, add all the ingredients and crush. Here is a perfect colada ready.

Strawberry Colada
Strawberry Colada


You just need 10 to 12 minutes to prepare this sweet, creamy, and addictive drink. What you need to make this drink is some freshly squeezed lemon juice (half cup), some sugar (half cup), water (3 cups), and some vanilla or pineapple ice cream (6 Cups). Now mix the lemon juice and sugar in a jar and stir till the sugar gets dissolved. And some water in the mixture and put that mixture in the fridge to chill. In a blender add the chilled lemonade and ice cream of your choice. Blend the mixture until it becomes smooth. Garnish with a lemon slice and enjoy.

Frosted Lemonade


With just three ingredients you can make this drink and the best thing about this drink is that no sugar is added to this drink. Just only a diet soda, to create what restaurants margarita feels. You need 8-10 raspberries and soda lime and fresh lemon juice in a blender. In quantity it depends on your serving, for normal 4-5 people you can take Soda lime (4 Cups) and fresh lemon juice (2 Cups) in the blender with raspberries. Make sure to add ice cubes and margarita drink is ready to be gulped.



Weight gain in Ramadan is common and Fasting can cause weight gain in some people. If you happen to be one of them. Then this drink is for you. There are other things which you need to follow if you want to keep weight ideal. Other than the drink controlling your food intake in the evening and maximize intake of such drinks can also help educing weight.

This is the best drink with zero calories soda water. This can also bring natural glow to your skin in hot season. I would consider this as one of the best thirst-quenching drinks summer drinks that can be made so quickly and easily. Its totally up to you how you make this drink. Three ways to make this is by using cucumber and mint, peaches and ginger, or strawberry and lime together. All you need to do is to add the ingredient of your choice in the carbonated or soda water and enjoy.


Glow Water
Caccumber water

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