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Easy and Healthy Dark Chocolate Recipes | Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolates have many benefits and according to health and nutrition experts, adding the best dark chocolate to our diet can benefit our overall health. We all know the health benefits of dark chocolates. Dark chocolates are made with cocoa solids, sugar and cocoa butter. We all know that dark chocolates have secured a firm place in the list of healthy foods. Have to ever wondered what makes dark chocolate so much healthy? It’s due to a higher percentage of cocoa in dark chocolates which makes them healthy.

Dark chocolate is basically made from cocoa beans, which contain essential antioxidants, which are responsible for keeping your weight, diabetes, blood pressure and even mood in check.

Every chocolate is not dark chocolate, so which chocolates to be called dark ones? Chocolate that has than 50% cocoa is considered “dark chocolate”. The taste of dark chocolate is of course bitter and there is a famous saying about dark chocolate that, “the more bitter, the better for your health”. 

When you go out for buying dark chocolates, keep that in mind that always buy dark chocolates which have 65-70% of cocoa in the ingredients. Once you buy plain dark chocolates you can add your nutrients sweetener like maple syrup to it.

So, today in this blog post, joltyourbuds is coming with some amazing dark chocolate recipes that you can make at home to sate your cravings for chocolates.


Try These Easy and Healthy Dark Chocolate Recipes

  • Dark Chocolate Oats Mousse
If you are a dessert lover, then this recipe is absolute heaven for you. As the name indicates this recipe includes healthy ingredients like oats, maple syrup, cocoa powder, chia seeds and honey. Adding honey and maple syrup will keep away the bitterness of cocoa powder.


  • 1 1/2 Tbsp oats
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 1/2 tbsp honey
  • 4-5 for garnishing crushed almonds

First of all, mix all the dry ingredients like cocoa powder and oats. Now add milk and honey to the mixture and stir well. You can add if you want chia seeds to add you can at this stage. This is optional. Garnish with crushed almonds. Let this set overnight in the fridge. Layer with berries (optional) before serving.


  • Dark Chocolate Mousse Quenelle

One of the simple recipes of dark chocolate and you will prepare this recipe on a blink of an eye. If you want a smooth and want to upgrade your plating, then quenelle is perfect for you. Add berries to the top and you will have a perfect dessert to have after dinner.


  • 10 Egg yolk
  • 120 Gram Castor sugar
  • 800 Gram Dark chocolate (melted)
  • 10 Pieces Egg white
  • 100 Ml Rum
  • 1500 Gram Fresh cream, whipped
  • Berries
  • Cookie crumble


Add egg yolk and 50 gm of castor sugar to a sabyon and fold through dark chocolate. Now add egg white and rest of the sugar to a meringue and mix through chocolate sabyon. Refrigerate for a while once done with fold through cream. Now do the plating with berries, cream and crumble. With a spoon and hot water and place a chocolate quenelle on the plate. 

  • Dark Chocolate Cake

This is again healthy recipe of dark chocolate if you love cakes. Dense with chocolate and filling at the same time. Ragi flour will keep you full once you have this cake and you will binge less later. Other ingredients like compound chocolate, eggs and brown sugar make it a satisfying treat for all the health-conscious people.


  • 100 gm compound dark chocolate
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar or brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 1/2 cup ragi flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder


First preheat the oven for 100-degree Celsius. Melt the compound chocolate in a double boiler and once done keep aside and let it cool.  Take a bowl and whisk eggs till light and add 1 teaspoon sugar and mix well. Now combine the melted chocolate and melted butter together and mix. Pour this mixture into the egg and sugar mixture and stir well. 

Now sift the baking powder and ragi flour together. Add it to the above mixture, a spoon at a time. Make sure no lumps of the flour and powder left behind. After final fold, transfer to a small baking tin. Now bake in the oven at 150-degree Celsius for 15 minutes or until a skewer inserted at the center of the tin comes out clean. After removing from oven let it cool a little before demolding onto a plate. Now serve it hot with fresh cream or enjoy it on its own. 

  • Dark Chocolate Milkshake

This is again a healthy version of the classic treat with banana, peanut butter, dark chocolate powder and almon milk. This recipe is perfect drink for post workouts and dreaded guilt trip.


  • Hot Chocolate

I guess we all love this quintessential drink since our childhood. Its never late to add it to our healthy drinks list. You just need to heat almond milk in a saucepan, add cocoa powder and stir until well combined. If you want extra flavor add vanilla and cinnamon to it.


  • 1 Cup milk
  • 1 cup chocolate
  • 2-3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • Cinnamon (optional)
  • Vanilla (optional)


Boil milk first and add chocolate to it while stirring. While stirring, add cinnamon stick, powdered sugar, vanilla stick and  along with cocoa powder. Stir well to mix thoroughly and pour hot in a cup. Serve hot with heavy topping of whipped cream and chocolate powder garnishing.

Be conscious with your food choices and replace your normal desserts with healthy ones like above. Let us know if you liked these dark chocolate recipes in comments below.

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